Patchwork Hackers Target Chinese Research Organizations Using EyeShell Backdoor
(too old to reply)
2023-08-05 01:22:01 UTC
Threat actors associated with the hacking crew known as Patchwork have been spotted targeting universities and research organizations in China as part of a recently observed campaign.
The activity, according to KnownSec 404 Team, entailed the use of a backdoor codenamed EyeShell.
Unfortunately, this sort of hacking seems to be a tit-4-tat
cyberwar with the Chinese. They WILL come back with something
of equal or greater impact ... PLUS they know KNOW about this
little trick. 'Patchwork' basically gave them the blueprints
to their stealth bomber ....
Oregonian Haruspex
2023-08-06 19:14:43 UTC
Post by 23k.304
Threat actors associated with the hacking crew known as Patchwork have
been spotted targeting universities and research organizations in China
as part of a recently observed campaign.
The activity, according to KnownSec 404 Team, entailed the use of a
backdoor codenamed EyeShell.
Unfortunately, this sort of hacking seems to be a tit-4-tat
cyberwar with the Chinese. They WILL come back with something
of equal or greater impact ... PLUS they know KNOW about this
little trick. 'Patchwork' basically gave them the blueprints
to their stealth bomber ....
Honeywell uploaded the F35’s blueprints to China actually.
