And Now, The "IronLaser" Defense System
(too old to reply)
2023-10-18 01:29:22 UTC

the “Iron Beam” laser defence system may be going into service
soon. It seems that the Israelis have finally achieved a practical
solid state laser with beam energy of 100 kilowatts, generally
seen as the threshold for a useful war-fighting raygun. Even more
powerful beams have previously been achieved in various US projects,
but those were chemically-powered gas lasers which required exotic,
highly toxic fuels and produced equally troublesome waste products.

. . .

100kw ... marginal, but combined with an advanced targeting
system might be enough for the typical kinds of rockets
Israel has to deal with - and a LOT cheaper per-shot than
the IronDome system. Might be ways to coordinate two units
to focus fire on one target also ...

The solid-state design, as opposed to things like hydrogen/
chlorine lasers, is a big advancement. No muss no fuss.
Likely hundreds of diode lasers directed into a beam-combiner.

Now BIG missiles like Iran might fire, 100kw won't be
enough - esp if the things are shiny aluminum. But for
the overwhelming bulk of Hamas/Hezbollah missiles the
system ought to be fine. Other methods of deterrence
should serve with Iran for now.

Likely they'll push construction of these lasers to the
extreme forefront. Hey, give Iran's confiscated bank
accounts to Israel instead of back to Iran ! Which US
candidates will back THAT idea ?

Hmmm ... BUY the design from Israel. Make like 250kw
versions and sell 'em to Taiwan. Might be able to
take out many CCP rockets, choppers, fighters, ignite
some ships ........... Archimedes, we have arrived !
2023-10-18 02:40:18 UTC
Post by 56d.1149
the “Iron Beam” laser defence system may be going into service
soon. It seems that the Israelis have finally achieved a practical
solid state laser with beam energy of 100 kilowatts, generally
seen as the threshold for a useful war-fighting raygun. Even more
powerful beams have previously been achieved in various US projects,
but those were chemically-powered gas lasers which required exotic,
highly toxic fuels and produced equally troublesome waste products.
. . .
  100kw ... marginal, but
Fuck off with your idiotic, pretentious, narcissistic indentation.

You're not smart. You're not the same lowbrow level of knuckle-dragging idiot
as most of your fellow right-wingnut fuckwits here, but you're not smart. And
you're pretentious.
