Japan - Big Boost to Military Budget This Year
(too old to reply)
2023-12-23 02:50:55 UTC

Japan has approved record levels of defense spending in a major
shift from its postwar approach to military spending. Japan will
also loosened arms export controls for the first time in nearly
a decade.

. . .

Unlike Joe, they do NOT trust Xi one tiny speck.
They've seen the huge Chinese build-up over the
past decade or so - and are a stones-throw away
from China. If anything starts up in that area
Japan will be caught right in the middle of it.

Japan is not especially large, and its population
is concentrated in a few mega-cities. China could
strike a death-blow easily. While Japan likely
does have a small inventory of nukes at this
point they'd be nothing but 'vengeance' weapons,
they would not save the country. The trick is
to be prickly enough to deter direct attacks
in the first place.
2023-12-23 22:55:23 UTC
Post by 56g.1183
Post by 56g.1183
Japan has approved record levels of defense spending in a major
shift from its postwar approach to military spending. Japan will
also loosened arms export controls for the first time in nearly
a decade.
.. . .
Unlike Joe, they do NOT trust Xi one tiny speck.
They've seen the huge Chinese build-up over the
past decade or so - and are a stones-throw away
from China. If anything starts up in that area
Japan will be caught right in the middle of it.
Japan is not especially large, and its population
is concentrated in a few mega-cities. China could
strike a death-blow easily. While Japan likely
does have a small inventory of nukes at this
point they'd be nothing but 'vengeance' weapons,
they would not save the country. The trick is
to be prickly enough to deter direct attacks
in the first place.
Do they still have post WWII
constitutional provisions against certain type of military activity?
With some debate, they HAVE been rolling-back said
restrictions. The world ain't want it was, and Japan
has more need of being a player in events. They have
also developed some doubts about the degree/duration
of protection the formerly-almighty USA can offer.
