Pentagon refuses to issue top-secret security clearance to US citizen related to a dictator
(too old to reply)
Leroy N. Soetoro
2024-05-06 23:29:33 UTC

A US citizen, who happens to be closely related to a “dictator” of an
“authoritarian state,” was recently denied a top-security security
clearance by the Pentagon over her family ties, documents show.

The applicant, described as a woman in her 30s working for a defense
contractor, appealed her clearance denial with the Defense Department’s
Office of Hearings and Appeals in January, but her claim was rejected by
an administrative judge over concerns that she could be subject to foreign

The woman’s case file doesn’t reveal her name, nor the identity of the
dictator or the name of the country he rules.

The extraordinary case was first reported by CNN.

The facts suggest that the woman’s “close family member” is North Korean
dictator Kim Jong Un.

“Applicant has a close family member who is the dictator of Country X,
which is an authoritarian state,” Administrative Judge Edward Loughran
wrote in his ruling.

“It is hostile to the United States, with an extremely poor human rights
record,” he added. “It supports international terrorism, and it conducts
cyberattacks and espionage against the United States.”

“That connection creates a potential conflict of interest and a heightened
risk of foreign exploitation, inducement, manipulation, pressure, and

North Korea, Cuba, Iran and Syria are the only four countries designated
by the State Department as state sponsors of terrorism.

Of those four, North Korea and Iran are classified as nation-state cyber
actors by the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Further evidence that suggests “Country X” is North Korea is the hermit
kingdom’s globally condemned human rights record and efforts at
retaliating against defectors.

The woman immigrated to the United States with her immediate family in the
1990s, when she was young, according to the document.

They all became US citizens and she is now married to a US-born citizen.

The woman currently holds a secret security clearance but was seeking to
elevate it to top secret.

The Washington Post reported in 2016 that Kim Jong Un’s aunt and her three
children fled North Korea in 1998 and settled in the US.

“None of her immediate family members have ever returned to Country X or
maintained contact with any of their family in Country X,” the document

“Country X considers people who leave their country to be traitors, and
the country has taken retaliatory actions against some of them,” it
continues. “Applicant’s parents changed their and their children’s names
when they came to the United States.”

“Few people outside Applicant’s immediate family are aware that she is
related to Country X’s head of state.”

Loughran noted that security clearance applicants with relatives in
hostile countries already have to overcome a “very heavy burden” to prove
they will not be susceptible to foreign influence.

But in this woman’s case, “it is not just the country that is hostile to
the United States, Applicant’s family member is hostile to the United
States,” Loughran wrote.

The judge said the woman’s case was a “difficult” one, because “there is
nothing about her that makes her anything less than a perfect candidate
for a security clearance except her family connections to a dictator.”

“Applicant is intelligent, honest, loyal to the United States, a model
employee, and a current clearance holder with no evidence of any security
problems,” he wrote, but ultimately decided that she was unable to
overcome the security concerns raised by her connections to the foreign

The Pentagon did not respond to The Post’s request for comment.
We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that
stupid people won't be offended.

Durham Report: The FBI has an integrity problem. It has none.

No collusion - Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III, March 2019.
Officially made Nancy Pelosi a two-time impeachment loser.

Thank you for cleaning up the disaster of the 2008-2017 Obama / Biden
fiasco, President Trump.

Under Barack Obama's leadership, the United States of America became the
The World According To Garp. Obama sold out heterosexuals for Hollywood
queer liberal democrat donors.

President Trump boosted the economy, reduced illegal invasions, appointed
dozens of judges and three SCOTUS justices.
2024-05-07 05:24:07 UTC
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
A US citizen, who happens to be closely related to a “dictator” of an
“authoritarian state,” was recently denied a top-security security
clearance by the Pentagon over her family ties, documents show.
The applicant, described as a woman in her 30s working for a defense
contractor, appealed her clearance denial with the Defense Department’s
Office of Hearings and Appeals in January, but her claim was rejected by
an administrative judge over concerns that she could be subject to foreign
The woman’s case file doesn’t reveal her name, nor the identity of the
dictator or the name of the country he rules.
The extraordinary case was first reported by CNN.
The facts suggest that the woman’s “close family member” is North Korean
dictator Kim Jong Un.
“Applicant has a close family member who is the dictator of Country X,
which is an authoritarian state,” Administrative Judge Edward Loughran
wrote in his ruling.
“It is hostile to the United States, with an extremely poor human rights
record,” he added. “It supports international terrorism, and it conducts
cyberattacks and espionage against the United States.”
“That connection creates a potential conflict of interest and a heightened
risk of foreign exploitation, inducement, manipulation, pressure, and
North Korea, Cuba, Iran and Syria are the only four countries designated
by the State Department as state sponsors of terrorism.
Of those four, North Korea and Iran are classified as nation-state cyber
actors by the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.
Further evidence that suggests “Country X” is North Korea is the hermit
kingdom’s globally condemned human rights record and efforts at
retaliating against defectors.
The woman immigrated to the United States with her immediate family in the
1990s, when she was young, according to the document.
They all became US citizens and she is now married to a US-born citizen.
The woman currently holds a secret security clearance but was seeking to
elevate it to top secret.
The Washington Post reported in 2016 that Kim Jong Un’s aunt and her three
children fled North Korea in 1998 and settled in the US.
“None of her immediate family members have ever returned to Country X or
maintained contact with any of their family in Country X,” the document
“Country X considers people who leave their country to be traitors, and
the country has taken retaliatory actions against some of them,” it
continues. “Applicant’s parents changed their and their children’s names
when they came to the United States.”
“Few people outside Applicant’s immediate family are aware that she is
related to Country X’s head of state.”
Loughran noted that security clearance applicants with relatives in
hostile countries already have to overcome a “very heavy burden” to prove
they will not be susceptible to foreign influence.
But in this woman’s case, “it is not just the country that is hostile to
the United States, Applicant’s family member is hostile to the United
States,” Loughran wrote.
The judge said the woman’s case was a “difficult” one, because “there is
nothing about her that makes her anything less than a perfect candidate
for a security clearance except her family connections to a dictator.”
“Applicant is intelligent, honest, loyal to the United States, a model
employee, and a current clearance holder with no evidence of any security
problems,” he wrote, but ultimately decided that she was unable to
overcome the security concerns raised by her connections to the foreign
Is the US Government nuts? Remove all security clearances and get her
the Hell off the Job she has with a Government contractor. Do a deep
search for any and I mean any discrepancies in her entire life. Put her
on a minute by minute watch list along with al associates. No fucking
wonder America is in the toilet with our Military and industrial
secrets. While you are at it, start to re-review our own Military
personal. Bill Clinton and Hillary are suspect over sales of Uranium,
Copper and Billy-bob giving classified technical aid to keep China's
ICBM's from breaching on lift off. Lots more of those bastards need
cleaning out. John Kerry(D) should be shot for treason.>
Post by Leroy N. Soetoro
The Pentagon did not respond to The Post’s request for comment.