Horrific Israeli Atrocities
(too old to reply)
D. Ray
2023-12-22 03:45:57 UTC

Emily and Warren discuss the latest horrors in the ongoing Zionist ethnic
cleansing of Gaza, plans for Jewish settlement after the war, and recent
revelations that Israel killed their own people on Oct. 7th.

danny burstein
2023-12-22 03:51:11 UTC
In <***@news.usenet.farm> D. Ray <***@ray> writes:

[snip of absolute garbage]

Even real Nazis in WW-II allowed the Red Cross to check on
Allied POWS. Something *your* Gazan GENOCIDAL TERRORISTs
refuse to do. Look in a mirror and ask yourself why you
are cheerleading a group that's worse than WW-II Nazis
Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]
Siri Cruise
2023-12-22 04:40:10 UTC
Post by danny burstein
[snip of absolute garbage]
Even real Nazis in WW-II allowed the Red Cross to check on
Allied POWS. Something *your* Gazan GENOCIDAL TERRORISTs
refuse to do. Look in a mirror and ask yourself why you
are cheerleading a group that's worse than WW-II Nazis
Because neonazis hate Jews.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
D. Ray
2023-12-22 09:09:59 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by danny burstein
[snip of absolute garbage]
Even real Nazis in WW-II allowed the Red Cross to check on
Allied POWS. Something *your* Gazan GENOCIDAL TERRORISTs
refuse to do. Look in a mirror and ask yourself why you
are cheerleading a group that's worse than WW-II Nazis
Because neonazis hate Jews.
Well, maybe they are absolutely right about them?

Ever noticed that jews want you to not be a “Nazi” because it’s the worse
thing ever, but they are allowed to be “Nazis” in Israel? You know why?
Because it’s the right strategy for long term survival. And jews don’t want
you to survive.
Ordinary Human
2023-12-22 12:02:20 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by danny burstein
[snip of absolute garbage]
Even real Nazis in WW-II allowed the Red Cross to check on
Allied POWS. Something *your* Gazan GENOCIDAL TERRORISTs
refuse to do. Look in a mirror and ask yourself why you
are cheerleading a group that's worse than WW-II Nazis
Because neonazis hate Jews.
Well, maybe they are absolutely right about them?
Ever noticed that jews want you to not be a “Nazi” because it’s the worse
thing ever, but they are allowed to be “Nazis” in Israel? You know why?
Because it’s the right strategy for long term survival. And jews don’t want
you to survive.
Well what you expect from a race that think they are better than anyone

Governor Swill
2023-12-22 12:42:34 UTC
Ever noticed that jews want you to not be a “Nazi” because it’s the worse
thing ever, but they are allowed to be “Nazis” in Israel? You know why?
Because it’s the right strategy for long term survival. And jews don’t want
you to survive.
Actually, it's because unlike Nazi states, Israel believes in freedom for its people.

The moon landing was real, Bigfoot does not
roam the northern forests and the 2020 election was not rigged.

GO TRUMP! Go farther! Farther! I can still hear you!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
2023-12-23 02:37:03 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by D. Ray
Ever noticed that jews want you to not be a “Nazi” because it’s the worse
thing ever, but they are allowed to be “Nazis” in Israel? You know why?
Because it’s the right strategy for long term survival. And jews don’t want
you to survive.
Actually, it's because unlike Nazi states, Israel believes in freedom for its people.
Yeah, we know Slops. Fuck everybody else. You and the inbred Jews wonder
why you are not universally accepted.

Many Jews of this real world do not accept that premise at all and
prefer to live peacefully and live their religion without conflict.

As do most Christians and Muslims. I have met Atheists and not one was

As for Ukraine, it can only end up in a large war that only the
survivors will regret.

By the way, just how many bloodline Jews rally exist? Most are some kind
of bastardized convert. Much like your Russian Jew "Zelenski".
D. Ray
2023-12-23 05:12:52 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Ever noticed that jews want you to not be a “Nazi” because it’s the worse
thing ever, but they are allowed to be “Nazis” in Israel? You know why?
Because it’s the right strategy for long term survival. And jews don’t want
you to survive.
Actually, it's because unlike Nazi states, Israel believes in freedom for its people.
The only “freedom” you concerned about is the “freedom” to let random fags
to put their dicks in your butt, and then in your mouth, you disgusting
pervert. To have “freedom” to do that openly, teach that to kids, and put
perverts in front of normal people, you’re willing to support crazy
genocidal maniacs, and sell your own nation, destroy their culture and
their way of living that they developed and had for millennia.

You faggots don’t realize that even Hitler was tolerating Ernst Röhm since
he was enjoying his perversions “in the privacy of his own bedroom”, until
it was clear that he is using his position and his power to surround him
with other faggots, and wanted even more power.

Your ilk simply cannot be trusted. You proving it over and over again.
That’s why Joos put their buttgoys in the positions of power, because you
serve them. That’s why you have to go with the Joos. There is no point for
normal people to tolerate you. You don’t give them anything except the
destruction of their society.
2023-12-23 05:30:40 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by D. Ray
Ever noticed that jews want you to not be a “Nazi” because it’s the worse
thing ever, but they are allowed to be “Nazis” in Israel? You know why?
Because it’s the right strategy for long term survival. And jews don’t want
you to survive.
Actually, it's because unlike Nazi states, Israel believes in freedom for its people.
"Israel" doesn't believe in anything. The far right-wingnut virtual Nazis who
run Israel only believe in freedom for Jews.
Governor Swill
2023-12-24 03:50:40 UTC
Post by Scout
Post by Governor Swill
Ever noticed that jews want you to not be a “Nazi” because it’s the worse
thing ever, but they are allowed to be “Nazis” in Israel? You know why?
Because it’s the right strategy for long term survival. And jews don’t want
you to survive.
Actually, it's because unlike Nazi states, Israel believes in freedom for its people.
"Israel" doesn't believe in anything. The far right-wingnut virtual Nazis who
run Israel only believe in freedom for Jews.
It's not Israel's fault the Palestinians have turned down repeated offers to have their
own state.

Why the Swiss love their guns even more than Americans do.


Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
2023-12-25 02:39:05 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Post by Scout
Post by Governor Swill
Post by D. Ray
Ever noticed that jews want you to not be a “Nazi” because it’s the worse
thing ever, but they are allowed to be “Nazis” in Israel? You know why?
Because it’s the right strategy for long term survival. And jews don’t want
you to survive.
Actually, it's because unlike Nazi states, Israel believes in freedom for its people.
"Israel" doesn't believe in anything. The far right-wingnut virtual Nazis who
run Israel only believe in freedom for Jews.
It's not Israel's fault the Palestinians have turned down repeated offers to have their
own state.
That of course would mean that the Jews relinquish the land they stole
from Jordan et al. Also pay repartitions for the horrible crimes
committed on the very people that tried to help them 1947 onward. The
Jews have not been honorable with anyone in known past history. But then
again neither has old Marxist/Homo Slops. Old slops likes to fuck with
internet accounts also.
Post by Governor Swill
2023-12-22 05:05:31 UTC
Post by danny burstein
[snip of absolute garbage]
Even real Nazis in WW-II allowed the Red Cross to check on
Allied POWS. Something *your* Gazan GENOCIDAL TERRORISTs
refuse to do. Look in a mirror and ask yourself why you
are cheerleading a group that's worse than WW-II Nazis
Yep, Hamas atrocities are 100 times WORSE.

Pick yer side. Pick correctly.

Oh, they're STILL shooting lots of missiles
into Israel DESPITE the big pounding. At this
point Israel is taking the only sane action
it can/should - strive to OBLITERATE Hamas.
It IS gonna be nasty, but it has to be done.
Should have been done a long time ago.
2023-12-22 15:07:48 UTC
Post by danny burstein
[snip of absolute garbage]
Even real Nazis in WW-II allowed the Red Cross to check on
Allied POWS.  Something *your* Gazan GENOCIDAL TERRORISTs
refuse to do.  Look in a mirror and ask yourself why you
are cheerleading a group that's worse than WW-II Nazis
  Yep, Hamas atrocities are 100 times WORSE.
False. Israeli atrocities — war crimes — against Palestinians are orders of
magnitude worse. Israel has murdered more than 20,000 women and children alone,
vs 1,200 *total* Israeli victims in the Hamas attack.

There is *zero* reason to favor Israel over Hamas. Israel is not "the good guys."
danny burstein
2023-12-22 15:09:38 UTC
In <mDhhN.74712$***@fx11.iad> "53h.1948" <***@ztq7.net> writes:

Post by 53h.1948
There is *zero* reason to favor Israel over Hamas. Israel is not "the good guys."
Does your family know you're cheerleading a group, namely Hamas,
that's worse than WW-II Nazis?
Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]
2023-12-22 18:57:42 UTC
Post by danny burstein
Post by 53h.1948
There is *zero* reason to favor Israel over Hamas. Israel is not "the good guys."
Does your family know you're cheerleading a group, namely Hamas,
I'm not cheerleading for Hamas, you liar. I'm saying there's no reason to
support Israel. Israel is not "the good guys." Israel is committing war crimes
and genocide.
2023-12-23 02:40:24 UTC
Post by danny burstein
Post by 53h.1948
There is *zero* reason to favor Israel over Hamas. Israel is not "the good guys."
Does your family know you're cheerleading a group, namely Hamas,
that's worse than WW-II Nazis?
They're worse than the old Mongol horde ... genocidal
maniacs that get off on torturing people to death.
Vlad the impaler would probably approve, but ...

Israel has been (and still IS being) attacked almost
daily by Hamas for decades. They had to build the
whole IronDome system just-because - a major investment
AND major example of restraint by simply defaulting
to the defensive. However now the scale of attacks has
just gone off the charts and some MAJOR butt-kicking
is required.

And we DID see all the pix and vids of Gaza after
their big attack ... a major festival, everyone
turned out and cheered. Not many 'innocents' there,
most are complicit.

Alas the big trick AFTERWARDS will be in finding ways
to ensure Iran cannot resupply/refinance what's left
of Hamas or it'll all start up again. Where the fuck
did Hamas get all the stuff for all those rockets ?
The propellant would have to be made there or maybe
provided ready-2-use direct from Iran. Somewhere
there is a BIG hole in Israeli security.

Now Israel is not "pure" in any of this. All parties
in the middle-east seem to be hard-asses ... mostly
because they're surrounded by hard-asses and have
been for 6000 years at least. Israel does it with
a more 'western/democratic' tilt however.
2023-12-23 02:41:47 UTC
Post by danny burstein
Post by 53h.1948
There is *zero* reason to favor Israel over Hamas. Israel is not "the good guys."
Does your family know you're cheerleading a group, namely Hamas,
that's worse than WW-II Nazis?
Does your Mommy know that you are addled and a Marxist SOB that wants
America to pay your bills. You Bolshevik Jews were the Nazi's failure in
a righteous extermination.
D. Ray
2023-12-24 01:44:46 UTC
Post by D. Ray
Emily and Warren discuss the latest horrors in the ongoing Zionist ethnic
cleansing of Gaza, plans for Jewish settlement after the war, and recent
revelations that Israel killed their own people on Oct. 7th.
Israelis Killed... by Israel?

Clip from our latest episode of Modern Politics:
