How Did The US Military Get Low On Ammo ???
(too old to reply)
2023-07-11 03:58:27 UTC

Republicans tear into Biden for admitting the US is low
on ammunition after agreeing to send controversial cluster
munitions to Ukraine to improve THEIR supplies

. . .

I agree that every bullet sent to Ukraine is
money well spent.

However the interesting question here is
AMMUNITION" ????? This is TERRIBLE !!!

Couldn't have been just Joe either - we're
looking at long term neglect.

The future of US warfare probably IS drones
and AIs ... but we're NOT THERE YET, not
even close and the Chinese are years ahead
in that area.

Oh, and what does this situation mean for
our allies, NATO ? It means the USA is a
paper tiger, incapable of support other
than nuclear holocaust in case of anything
2023-07-11 05:03:57 UTC
On Mon, 10 Jul 2023 23:58:27 -0400, 36J.955 says...
Post by 36J.955
However the interesting question here is
AMMUNITION" ????? This is TERRIBLE !!!
It's probably a ruse to raise taxes, or to get someone else to pitch in, or...?


Liberals Are Wimps (New Study Shocks Scientific Community...

https://freedomwire.com/liberals-are-wimps-new-study-shocks-scientific- community/

Liberal men are physically smaller and weaker than conservative men - and it's measurable.


Vice Admits Liberal Men are Weaker, Less Attractive than...

https://phillipschneider.com/vice-admits-liberal-men-are-weaker-less- attractive-than-conservatives/

Vice Admits Liberal Men are Weaker, Less Attractive than Conservatives By Phillip Schneider on August 11,
2020 ( Leave a comment ) While the flames of the culture war rage, even far-left media publication Vice
admits that liberal men are weaker and less competent than conservatives.


TRUTH: Why Liberals Are WEAKER Than Conservatives https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/truth-liberals-weaker-

TRUTH: Why Liberals Are WEAKER Than Conservatives. Speaking of weak liberals, who can't even stand the sight
of history: Texas Restaurant Defending Controversial Sign Some Are Calling Racist - by Robert Gehl. A Texas
restaurant is under attack on social media for what many are calling its racist décor. The neon sign hung at
Cook's Garage...


Science Proves That Liberals Are Crazier Than Conservatives


Well, I recently came across a fantastic article about another study of Liberals - except this time, instead
of focusing on the weak males, it focuses on the average Liberal woman instead. A Ph.D. candidate at Georgia
State University has analyzed the data out of a recent Pew Research Center poll, and the results are amazing.


Shocker: Study Shows Physically Weak Men Tend to be Liberal

https://redstate.com/terichristoph/2017/05/26/shocker-study-shows-physically- weak-men-tend-to-be-liberal-

Shocker: Study Shows Physically Weak Men Tend to be Liberal. In news that will surprise absolutely no one, a
new study reveals that girly men are more likely to favor socialist policies. The study, conducted by
researchers at Brunel University London, looked at the height, weight, physical strength, and bicep
circumference of 171 men, along...


Liberalism Breeds Soft, Weak, Young "Men" - Louder With...


by Steven Crowder I know some of you think when I say "liberalism breeds weak, fat men," that I'm merely
politicizing an issue to be polarizing. I assure you that's not the case. Allow me five hundred words to make
my case. I was a chubby kid. Strike that, I was a jiggly shrimp. Skinny-fat. The kind of kid who was
relatively thin, yet managed to ma


Why Liberals Are So Physically Monstrous And Repulsive...

https://www.returnofkings.com/118536/why-liberals-are-so-physically-monstrous- and-repulsive

Liberals are not born uglier. They voluntarily remain ugly or become uglier to fit a narrative. "Appearance
is ideology". It takes a special kind of hypocrisy to call something that is universally seen as ugly
"beautiful" and vice-versa.


Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic

https://nypost.com/2016/06/09/science-says-liberal-beliefs-are-linked-to- pyschotic-traits/

Jun 9, 2016 Turns out liberals are the real authoritarians. A political-science journal that published an
oft-cited study claiming conservatives were more likely to show traits associated with "psychoticism"...


12 Reasons Why Liberals And Progressives Will Always Be...

https://www.returnofkings.com/100887/12-reasons-why-liberals-and-progressives- will-always-be-losers

Liberal men however are inexcusable, they are either effeminate enough to be emotionally manipulated or are
weak and yielding to social pressures. December 10, 2016 Take The Red Pill Don't forget that Liberal men are
usually the offspring of domineering feminists or divorced feminists and sometimes single mothers.


Men With Weak Upper Bodies Tend to Be Liberal - Physically Strong Men Tend to Be Conservative

Men who are physically strong are more likely to take a right wing political stance, while weaker men are
inclined to support the welfare state, according to a new study.

Researchers discovered political motivations may have evolutionary links to physical strength.

Men's upper-body strength predicts their political opinions on economic redistribution, according to the

The principal investigators - psychological scientists Michael Bang Petersen, of Aarhus University in
Denmark, and Daniel Sznycer, of the University of California in the U.S., believe that the link may reflect
psychological traits that evolved in response to our early ancestral environments and continue to influence
behavior today.

Professor Petersen said: 'While many think of politics as a modern phenomenon, it has - in a sense - always
been with our species.'

In the days of our early ancestors, decisions about the distribution of resources were not made in
courthouses or legislative offices, but through shows of strength.

With this in mind, Professor Petersen and Professor Sznycer hypothesized that upper-body strength - a proxy
for the ability to physically defend or acquire resources - would predict men's opinions about the
redistribution of wealth.
2023-07-11 05:39:29 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Mon, 10 Jul 2023 23:58:27 -0400, 36J.955 says...
Post by 36J.955
However the interesting question here is
AMMUNITION" ????? This is TERRIBLE !!!
It's probably a ruse to raise taxes, or to get someone else to pitch in, or...?
Trump bitched because NATO members weren't putting nearly
enough of their GDP into military stockpiles. Alas it looks
like the USA wasn't either ...

In THEORY we SHOULD still have a LOT of usable heavy ammo
left over from 911 efforts, even Vietnam, stashed away.
However the MIC will want money to make NEW stuff.

And, in this case, we'd better go along with it - quick.

Work out the details later.

The USA does NOT seem to be in a position to put up a
good front against China either with conventional
weapons or the newer "AI"/drone stuff. We're maybe
five years behind the curve on the latter, so we'll
have to boost the tried-and-true end of things for
now. Conventional booms are relatively cheap - iron
filled with TNT. Quantity DOES have a quality all
its own after all ...
Post by AlleyCat
Liberals Are Wimps (New Study Shocks Scientific Community...
https://freedomwire.com/liberals-are-wimps-new-study-shocks-scientific- community/
Yea, yea ... we know. All buster and ONLY bluster.
PANIC if anyone gives 'em so much as the stink-eye.

Today some MSNBC idiot declared that "fitness" was

Even as they endlessly fawn over super-fit aging
FEMALE media stars :-)

Lefties constantly file lawsuits over such stuff,
time to return the favor. Where are the centrist/
rightist versions of Soros and friends ? Got
big $$$, then FUND the legal counter-harassment
campaigns !
Governor Swill
2023-07-11 08:11:13 UTC
Post by 36J.955
However the interesting question here is
AMMUNITION" ????? This is TERRIBLE !!!
The entire planet has been (more or less) gradually disarming since the USSR fell. This
has turned out to be a mistake that we're currently correcting.

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit!

Go Trump!

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
melting clouds of lead
2023-07-11 15:42:13 UTC
On Tue, 11 Jul 2023 04:11:13 -0400
Post by Governor Swill
Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!
Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!
When are YOU going to sign up to fight there, you cowardly chickenhawk?
2023-07-11 15:31:07 UTC
Post by 36J.955
Republicans tear into Biden for admitting the US is low
on ammunition after agreeing to send controversial cluster
munitions to Ukraine to improve THEIR supplies
. . .
I agree that every bullet sent to Ukraine is
money well spent.
However the interesting question here is
AMMUNITION" ????? This is TERRIBLE !!!
Couldn't have been just Joe either - we're
looking at long term neglect.
The future of US warfare probably IS drones
and AIs ... but we're NOT THERE YET, not
even close and the Chinese are years ahead
in that area.
Oh, and what does this situation mean for
our allies, NATO ? It means the USA is a
paper tiger, incapable of support other
than nuclear holocaust in case of anything
Well the senile old fecker Joe Biden let a Chinese spy balloon hover over military bases across the
entire country before he finally shot it down so it's obvious the Chinese have Joe Biden in their
back pocket.
And so do several other countries.
Tommy Chong For President 2024.
Crazy Joe Biden Is A Demented Imbecile.
Impeach Joe Biden 2022.
Siri Cruise
2023-07-11 16:06:35 UTC
Post by pothead
Well the senile old fecker Joe Biden let a Chinese spy balloon hover over military bases across the
entire country before he finally shot it down so it's obvious the Chinese have Joe Biden in their
back pocket.
And so do several other countries.
So any president that lets that is a chinese agent?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.O / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
2023-07-11 16:24:51 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by pothead
Well the senile old fecker Joe Biden let a Chinese spy balloon hover over military bases across the
entire country before he finally shot it down so it's obvious the Chinese have Joe Biden in their
back pocket.
And so do several other countries.
So any president that lets that is a chinese agent?
No however look at his decisions regarding China.
And then of course we have the corrupt Biden family.


"IRS whistleblower uncovers Joe Biden corruption with China through son Hunter"
Tommy Chong For President 2024.
Crazy Joe Biden Is A Demented Imbecile.
Impeach Joe Biden 2022.
Siri Cruise
2023-07-11 16:40:42 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by pothead
Well the senile old fecker Joe Biden let a Chinese spy balloon hover over military bases across the
entire country before he finally shot it down so it's obvious the Chinese have Joe Biden in their
back pocket.
And so do several other countries.
So any president that lets that is a chinese agent?
Then why bring it up?
Post by pothead
however look at his decisions regarding China.
By adding new taxes for American consumers while ruining the
American soy bean market in China?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.O / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Governor Swill
2023-07-11 23:27:44 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by pothead
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by pothead
Well the senile old fecker Joe Biden let a Chinese spy balloon hover over military bases across the
entire country before he finally shot it down so it's obvious the Chinese have Joe Biden in their
back pocket.
And so do several other countries.
So any president that lets that is a chinese agent?
Then why bring it up?
Post by pothead
however look at his decisions regarding China.
By adding new taxes for American consumers while ruining the
American soy bean market in China?
He's approved the Australians get nuclear subs by cleverly exploiting a loophole in the
nuclear non-proliferation conventions.

He has the USN regularly making its presence felt in the South China Sea and adjacent

It wasn't Biden who pissed off the Chinese by starting a trade war in the *first place*.

Kissinger must be rolling in his grave.


RPK says pollution in the water is turning boys into trans.


2023-07-12 00:22:33 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by pothead
Well the senile old fecker Joe Biden let a Chinese spy balloon hover over military bases across the
entire country before he finally shot it down so it's obvious the Chinese have Joe Biden in their
back pocket.
And so do several other countries.
So any president that lets that is a chinese agent?
No however look at his decisions regarding China.
And then of course we have the corrupt Biden family.
"IRS whistleblower uncovers Joe Biden corruption with China through son Hunter"
The Biden's have had a real OPERATION going on for
quite awhile. The Clintons did too - but were better
at obfuscation.

But everybody from Nixon on was kissing-up to China.
China meant $$$ ... biz, pols ... and $$$ speaks
very loudly. They heard in the USA, they heard it
in the EU and beyond.

In short this has been an ONGOING problem that's now
finally reaching its totally-predictable end.
Governor Swill
2023-07-12 01:06:55 UTC
Post by 36J.955
Post by pothead
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by pothead
Well the senile old fecker Joe Biden let a Chinese spy balloon hover over military bases across the
entire country before he finally shot it down so it's obvious the Chinese have Joe Biden in their
back pocket.
And so do several other countries.
So any president that lets that is a chinese agent?
No however look at his decisions regarding China.
And then of course we have the corrupt Biden family.
"IRS whistleblower uncovers Joe Biden corruption with China through son Hunter"
The Biden's have had a real OPERATION going on for
quite awhile. The Clintons did too - but were better
at obfuscation.
But everybody from Nixon on was kissing-up to China.
China meant $$$ ... biz, pols ... and $$$ speaks
very loudly. They heard in the USA, they heard it
in the EU and beyond.
In short this has been an ONGOING problem that's now
finally reaching its totally-predictable end.
Congress still doesn't know how much of that $2B Kushner got from the Arabs ended up in
one of Trump's Chinese bank accounts.


RPK says pollution in the water is turning boys into trans.


2023-07-12 21:56:15 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
Congress still doesn't know how much of that $2B Kushner got from the Arabs ended up in
one of Trump's Chinese bank accounts.
Listen up, you fucking Moron. We are talking about the President Biden's
criminal crew while the SOB is still sitting president. Trump is miles
down the line for those that deserve to be prosecuted. And most of those
in between should be executed for high crimes against America. Your
clamoring for the American people to get into a war with Russia that was
promoted in the first place by the Ukrainian Jewish president. Iron out
the skin wrinkles, stuff that fat ass of yours into a Uniform and waddle
all that brain dead lard over to the Ukraine and leave the fate of
Americans to true Americans. You might even cough up the $trillions
necessary to rebuild the Ukraine in you image.
2023-07-13 01:53:47 UTC
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Post by Governor Swill
Congress still doesn't know how much of that $2B Kushner got from the Arabs ended up in
one of Trump's Chinese bank accounts.
Listen up, you fucking Moron. We are talking about the President Biden's
criminal crew while the SOB is still sitting president. Trump is miles
down the line for those that deserve to be prosecuted. And most of those
in between should be executed for high crimes against America. Your
clamoring for the American people to get into a war with Russia that was
promoted in the first place by the Ukrainian Jewish president. Iron out
the skin wrinkles, stuff that fat ass of yours into a Uniform and waddle
all that brain dead lard over to the Ukraine and leave the fate of
Americans to true Americans. You might even cough up the $trillions
necessary to rebuild the Ukraine in you image.
Biden has not only depleted the US military inventory, he has also depleted the US strategic oil
reserves. And now, Biden is buying back oil at a higher price than the oil he gave away.

The man is an incompetent idiot and based upon today's NATO summit, he is one step from getting USA
into WW3.
All the while the stupid bastard is talking climate change.
Tommy Chong For President 2024.
Crazy Joe Biden Is A Demented Imbecile.
Impeach Joe Biden 2022.
2023-07-14 04:13:40 UTC
Post by pothead
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Post by Governor Swill
Congress still doesn't know how much of that $2B Kushner got from the Arabs ended up in
one of Trump's Chinese bank accounts.
Listen up, you fucking Moron. We are talking about the President Biden's
criminal crew while the SOB is still sitting president. Trump is miles
down the line for those that deserve to be prosecuted. And most of those
in between should be executed for high crimes against America. Your
clamoring for the American people to get into a war with Russia that was
promoted in the first place by the Ukrainian Jewish president. Iron out
the skin wrinkles, stuff that fat ass of yours into a Uniform and waddle
all that brain dead lard over to the Ukraine and leave the fate of
Americans to true Americans. You might even cough up the $trillions
necessary to rebuild the Ukraine in you image.
Biden has not only depleted the US military inventory, he has also depleted the US strategic oil
reserves. And now, Biden is buying back oil at a higher price than the oil he gave away.
The man is an incompetent idiot and based upon today's NATO summit, he is one step from getting USA
into WW3.
All the while the stupid bastard is talking climate change.
Actually he was surprisingly "interactive" at NATO today,
They must have doubled his Adderall dose :-)

That'll work until he pops another artery.

And, actually, by firmly rejecting the Ukraine bid to
become a NATO member until well after all this nastiness
he kinda stopped WW3. Ukraine isn't worth ending the
world for - sorry.

Now the AMMO situation ... it's BAD. However it's clearly
NOT just Joe. This has been in-progress for a LONG time.
My GUESS is that it was Obama who decided not to replace
what had been burned up in Iraq. Subsequent leaders did
NOT fix that situation.

"Smart" weapons have their place and will have MORE of a
place in the future. However we're NOT THERE YET. Good
old-fashioned shells and bombs - howitzers and B-52s -
still have an important role. As variously attributed,
the phrase "Quantity has a quality all its own" comes
into play here.

I'd even be happy to pay a "Defense-Recovery Tax"
next year IF it produces a million shells and such.
In better times we were the "arsenal of democracy",
but the money kinda ran out (gotta boost those bums
and 'migrants' !). Joe ain't gonna re-direct the
'free money' for those groups. So ....

Of note, the Dems are FURIOUS that Biden slipped and
TOLD THE TRUTH about our ammo supplies :-)
Charlie Glock
2023-07-14 04:30:18 UTC
Post by 36J.955
Post by pothead
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Post by Governor Swill
Congress still doesn't know how much of that $2B Kushner got from the Arabs ended up in
one of Trump's Chinese bank accounts.
Listen up, you fucking Moron. We are talking about the President Biden's
criminal crew while the SOB is still sitting president. Trump is miles
down the line for those that deserve to be prosecuted. And most of those
in between should be executed for high crimes against America. Your
clamoring for the American people to get into a war with Russia that was
promoted in the first place by the Ukrainian Jewish president. Iron out
the skin wrinkles, stuff that fat ass of yours into a Uniform and waddle
all that brain dead lard over to the Ukraine and leave the fate of
Americans to true Americans. You might even cough up the $trillions
necessary to rebuild the Ukraine in you image.
Biden has not only depleted the US military inventory, he has also depleted the US strategic oil
reserves. And now, Biden is buying back oil at a higher price than the oil he gave away.
The man is an incompetent idiot and based upon today's NATO summit, he is one step from getting USA
into WW3.
All the while the stupid bastard is talking climate change.
Actually he was surprisingly "interactive" at NATO today,
They must have doubled his Adderall dose :-)
I did notice that.
Problem is the uppers they are feeding Biden will at some point not work anymore and the dosage
needed will be toxic.
Biden was obviously drugged up on speed when he was speaking today.
Post by 36J.955
That'll work until he pops another artery.
Post by 36J.955
And, actually, by firmly rejecting the Ukraine bid to
become a NATO member until well after all this nastiness
he kinda stopped WW3. Ukraine isn't worth ending the
world for - sorry.
One of his better decisions however I just read he is sending 3k troops to EU.
I wonder what that is all about.
Post by 36J.955
Now the AMMO situation ... it's BAD. However it's clearly
NOT just Joe. This has been in-progress for a LONG time.
My GUESS is that it was Obama who decided not to replace
what had been burned up in Iraq. Subsequent leaders did
NOT fix that situation.
It actually started with Busch when he was trying to appease the left.
Obama made it worse.
Trump started to rebuild but not fast enough.
Right now we are in a very dangerous spot and now that Biden spilled the beans about our defenses
it's even worse although I suspect China has known this for a long time.
Post by 36J.955
"Smart" weapons have their place and will have MORE of a
place in the future. However we're NOT THERE YET. Good
old-fashioned shells and bombs - howitzers and B-52s -
still have an important role. As variously attributed,
the phrase "Quantity has a quality all its own" comes
into play here.
I'd even be happy to pay a "Defense-Recovery Tax"
next year IF it produces a million shells and such.
In better times we were the "arsenal of democracy",
but the money kinda ran out (gotta boost those bums
and 'migrants' !). Joe ain't gonna re-direct the
'free money' for those groups. So ....
Of note, the Dems are FURIOUS that Biden slipped and
TOLD THE TRUTH about our ammo supplies :-)
The only solution for the USA is peace by strength and leadership.
Biden did good today regarding the Ukraine NATO membership but he needs to rebuild our military and
that will only happen if the Dems cut the fucking woke bullshit. We don't need soldiers in high
heels fighting the war that will inevitably happen.
I have a couple of friends who served as marines and they are tough. Really tough.
They feel the current administration with Miley etc is a corrupt mess and that we will never win
wars with idiots like that.
Charlie Glock
"To conquer a nation, first disarm it's citizens"
-- Adolf Hitler
2023-07-14 05:11:47 UTC
Post by Charlie Glock
Post by 36J.955
Post by pothead
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Post by Governor Swill
Congress still doesn't know how much of that $2B Kushner got from the Arabs ended up in
one of Trump's Chinese bank accounts.
Listen up, you fucking Moron. We are talking about the President Biden's
criminal crew while the SOB is still sitting president. Trump is miles
down the line for those that deserve to be prosecuted. And most of those
in between should be executed for high crimes against America. Your
clamoring for the American people to get into a war with Russia that was
promoted in the first place by the Ukrainian Jewish president. Iron out
the skin wrinkles, stuff that fat ass of yours into a Uniform and waddle
all that brain dead lard over to the Ukraine and leave the fate of
Americans to true Americans. You might even cough up the $trillions
necessary to rebuild the Ukraine in you image.
Biden has not only depleted the US military inventory, he has also depleted the US strategic oil
reserves. And now, Biden is buying back oil at a higher price than the oil he gave away.
The man is an incompetent idiot and based upon today's NATO summit, he is one step from getting USA
into WW3.
All the while the stupid bastard is talking climate change.
Actually he was surprisingly "interactive" at NATO today,
They must have doubled his Adderall dose :-)
I did notice that.
Problem is the uppers they are feeding Biden will at some point not work anymore and the dosage
needed will be toxic.
Biden was obviously drugged up on speed when he was speaking today.
Post by 36J.955
That'll work until he pops another artery.
Post by 36J.955
And, actually, by firmly rejecting the Ukraine bid to
become a NATO member until well after all this nastiness
he kinda stopped WW3. Ukraine isn't worth ending the
world for - sorry.
One of his better decisions however I just read he is sending 3k troops to EU.
I wonder what that is all about.
3K really aren't THAT many. Sounds "symbolic".
Sweden ???

So, where's the 3K for TAIWAN ???
Post by Charlie Glock
Post by 36J.955
Now the AMMO situation ... it's BAD. However it's clearly
NOT just Joe. This has been in-progress for a LONG time.
My GUESS is that it was Obama who decided not to replace
what had been burned up in Iraq. Subsequent leaders did
NOT fix that situation.
It actually started with Busch when he was trying to appease the left.
Obama made it worse.
Trump started to rebuild but not fast enough.
Right now we are in a very dangerous spot and now that Biden spilled the beans about our defenses
it's even worse although I suspect China has known this for a long time.
Well, if Trump said the sky was blue the Congress would
have passed a resolution that declared it to be green ...

Actually I've SEEN green skies ... just before massive
hail-storms. I think all the ice reflects the ground.
Post by Charlie Glock
Post by 36J.955
"Smart" weapons have their place and will have MORE of a
place in the future. However we're NOT THERE YET. Good
old-fashioned shells and bombs - howitzers and B-52s -
still have an important role. As variously attributed,
the phrase "Quantity has a quality all its own" comes
into play here.
I'd even be happy to pay a "Defense-Recovery Tax"
next year IF it produces a million shells and such.
In better times we were the "arsenal of democracy",
but the money kinda ran out (gotta boost those bums
and 'migrants' !). Joe ain't gonna re-direct the
'free money' for those groups. So ....
Of note, the Dems are FURIOUS that Biden slipped and
TOLD THE TRUTH about our ammo supplies :-)
The only solution for the USA is peace by strength and leadership.
We can MAYBE manage some "strength". However the "leadership"
thing ... not sure there are any actual statesmen left.

Oddly, I'd trust Haley more than the others, as a stateswoman.
She seems to have absorbed the "bigger picture".
Post by Charlie Glock
Biden did good today regarding the Ukraine NATO membership but he needs to rebuild our military and
that will only happen if the Dems cut the fucking woke bullshit. We don't need soldiers in high
heels fighting the war that will inevitably happen.
Yep. It IS gonna COST though. Years of neglect are EXPENSIVE
to compensate for. Cast-iron shells full of TNT or amatol
are low-tech and relatively inexpensive to produce en-masse.
Basically 19th-century tech. We need a LOT of them though
like REALLY fast.
Post by Charlie Glock
I have a couple of friends who served as marines and they are tough. Really tough.
They feel the current administration with Miley etc is a corrupt mess and that we will never win
wars with idiots like that.
I knew an old Marine who'd done the whole Pacific-island campaign.
STILL kinda haunted him. He was TOUGH even into his old age. Some
punk tried to rob him once when he was in his mid-80s ... the cops
had NO difficulty finding the perp because he was beaten-up
SO badly. I saw pix, his head was barely identifiable as
human :-)

NOWADAYS though, Miley and friends have them studying
their pronouns ........
Governor Swill
2023-07-14 07:33:41 UTC
Post by 36J.955
Post by Charlie Glock
Post by 36J.955
And, actually, by firmly rejecting the Ukraine bid to
become a NATO member until well after all this nastiness
he kinda stopped WW3. Ukraine isn't worth ending the
world for - sorry.
One of his better decisions however I just read he is sending 3k troops to EU.
I wonder what that is all about.
I'll notify the Joint Chiefs to keep you in the loop.
Post by 36J.955
3K really aren't THAT many. Sounds "symbolic".
Sweden ???
Post by 36J.955
Post by Charlie Glock
So, where's the 3K for TAIWAN ???
If/when it becomes necessary, I'm sure we'll all know.
Post by 36J.955
Post by Charlie Glock
Post by 36J.955
Now the AMMO situation ... it's BAD. However it's clearly
NOT just Joe. This has been in-progress for a LONG time.
My GUESS is that it was Obama who decided not to replace
what had been burned up in Iraq. Subsequent leaders did
NOT fix that situation.
It actually started with Busch when he was trying to appease the left.
Obama made it worse.
Trump started to rebuild but not fast enough.
Right now we are in a very dangerous spot and now that Biden spilled the beans about our defenses
it's even worse although I suspect China has known this for a long time.
Neither of you know what you're talking about, but enjoy your chat!
Post by 36J.955
Well, if Trump said the sky was blue the Congress would
have passed a resolution that declared it to be green ...
If Trump said the sky was blue, it probably *is* green.
Post by 36J.955
Actually I've SEEN green skies ... just before massive
hail-storms. I think all the ice reflects the ground.
Post by Charlie Glock
Post by 36J.955
"Smart" weapons have their place and will have MORE of a
place in the future. However we're NOT THERE YET. Good
old-fashioned shells and bombs - howitzers and B-52s -
still have an important role. As variously attributed,
the phrase "Quantity has a quality all its own" comes
into play here.
I'd even be happy to pay a "Defense-Recovery Tax"
next year IF it produces a million shells and such.
In better times we were the "arsenal of democracy",
but the money kinda ran out (gotta boost those bums
and 'migrants' !). Joe ain't gonna re-direct the
'free money' for those groups. So ....
Of note, the Dems are FURIOUS that Biden slipped and
TOLD THE TRUTH about our ammo supplies :-)
The only solution for the USA is peace by strength and leadership.
We've just spent a year shooting at the Russians. Wouldn't you expect stocks to be a bit
depleted? New stuff is being manufactured but you don't think the govt wants the enemy to
know the truth, do you? For all we know the warehouses are stuffed with death.

"All Night Long" - Lionel Ritchie




max headroom
2023-07-14 05:55:50 UTC
Post by Charlie Glock
They feel the current administration with Miley etc is a corrupt mess and that we will never win
wars with idiots like that.
The US has not won any war since 1945, you fucking idiot! We lost in
Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan, spectacularly. We are shameless bunch
of assholes. LOL
Governor Swill
2023-07-14 07:20:55 UTC
Post by 36J.955
Now the AMMO situation ... it's BAD. However it's clearly
NOT just Joe. This has been in-progress for a LONG time.
My GUESS is that it was Obama who decided not to replace
what had been burned up in Iraq.
*rolleyes* I see you finally figured out a way to blame a Democrat for it.

"All Night Long" - Lionel Ritchie


2023-07-12 00:06:24 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by 36J.955
Republicans tear into Biden for admitting the US is low
on ammunition after agreeing to send controversial cluster
munitions to Ukraine to improve THEIR supplies
. . .
I agree that every bullet sent to Ukraine is
money well spent.
However the interesting question here is
AMMUNITION" ????? This is TERRIBLE !!!
Couldn't have been just Joe either - we're
looking at long term neglect.
The future of US warfare probably IS drones
and AIs ... but we're NOT THERE YET, not
even close and the Chinese are years ahead
in that area.
Oh, and what does this situation mean for
our allies, NATO ? It means the USA is a
paper tiger, incapable of support other
than nuclear holocaust in case of anything
Well the senile old fecker Joe Biden let a Chinese spy balloon hover over military bases across the
entire country before he finally shot it down so it's obvious the Chinese have Joe Biden in their
back pocket.
And so do several other countries.
Yes, that's true.

However the bigger question remains - how did we
get so low on basic battlefield supplies ? This
would have involved several administrations.

Clinton basically used up our whole inventory of
cruise missiles during the Serbian/Bosnian thing -
but reports were that those were replaced.

"W" certainly used a lot of ammo, but over an
extended period. We'd have THOUGHT there'd be
replacement manufacture that was ongoing.

Did Obama put an end to that ? There ought to be

Seems Trump didn't act, or never even heard there
was a problem, and Joe doesn't give/know a shit.

"Smart" munitions are gonna be more expensive and
difficult to make (though, theoretically, more bang
for the buck) but "stupid" munitions - basic shells -
are easy and cheap. I'd rather have a big bunch of
stupid munitions RIGHT NOW and budget the "smarter"
stuff later.

MEANWHILE ... NATO and Taiwan CANNOT count on us
anymore. Like the Germans, we became, militarily,
a paper tiger. Looks like we only had enough
ammo to put on a show, not for any dragged-out
war against whomever.

When China goes for Taiwan that's gonna be a long
nasty dragged-out war IF we get involved. I don't
think we CAN get involved. We don't have the stuff.
Taiwan (and some others) are gonna get encircled,
starved, and absorbed into the new Chinese empire.
Soon, that won't be enough for Xi and successors ...
indeed the faster Xi moves the better because
rebuilding stocks will take awhile.
Governor Swill
2023-07-12 01:45:27 UTC
Post by 36J.955
Post by pothead
Post by 36J.955
Republicans tear into Biden for admitting the US is low
on ammunition after agreeing to send controversial cluster
munitions to Ukraine to improve THEIR supplies
. . .
I agree that every bullet sent to Ukraine is
money well spent.
However the interesting question here is
AMMUNITION" ????? This is TERRIBLE !!!
Couldn't have been just Joe either - we're
looking at long term neglect.
The future of US warfare probably IS drones
and AIs ... but we're NOT THERE YET, not
even close and the Chinese are years ahead
in that area.
"Probably"? Don't you mean, "Already"?
Post by 36J.955
Post by pothead
Post by 36J.955
Oh, and what does this situation mean for
our allies, NATO ? It means the USA is a
paper tiger, incapable of support other
than nuclear holocaust in case of anything
I don't believe that.
Post by 36J.955
Post by pothead
Well the senile old fecker Joe Biden let a Chinese spy balloon hover over military bases across the
entire country before he finally shot it down so it's obvious the Chinese have Joe Biden in their
back pocket. And so do several other countries.
Yes, that's true.
No, it's not. However, America treating with our neighbors instead of warring with them
costs fewer lives and makes more money.
Post by 36J.955
However the bigger question remains - how did we
get so low on basic battlefield supplies ? This
would have involved several administrations.
What are we all that low on? Size 10 men's boots?
Post by 36J.955
Clinton basically used up our whole inventory of
cruise missiles during the Serbian/Bosnian thing -
but reports were that those were replaced.
No cites?

and since that was decades ago, yeah, I expect we've restocked.
Post by 36J.955
"W" certainly used a lot of ammo, but over an
extended period. We'd have THOUGHT there'd be
replacement manufacture that was ongoing.
Of course there was. What do you think the arms industry lives on between wars? Getting
ready for the next one.
Post by 36J.955
Did Obama put an end to that ? There ought to be
Seems Trump didn't act, or never even heard there
was a problem, and Joe doesn't give/know a shit.
Or there's a continuity between administrations and the issue is allowed for.
Post by 36J.955
"Smart" munitions are gonna be more expensive and
difficult to make (though, theoretically, more bang
for the buck) but "stupid" munitions - basic shells -
are easy and cheap. I'd rather have a big bunch of
stupid munitions RIGHT NOW and budget the "smarter"
stuff later.
Nah. The time for stupid ammo is past. The Russkies are dug in deep and it's going to
take surgical precision to blast them all out. Our dumb stuff should mostly be culled by
now. We should be well into culling newer and more lethal stuff. The cluster bombs
should help. I wonder if the F-16 pilots we're training will bring them over when the
aircraft are delivered later this year.

Sabotage continues in the Empire and Darth Vadar is dead.
Post by 36J.955
MEANWHILE ... NATO and Taiwan CANNOT count on us
anymore. Like the Germans, we became, militarily,
a paper tiger.
No, we haven't. We could kick their asses all over again if we had to.
Post by 36J.955
Looks like we only had enough
ammo to put on a show, not for any dragged-out
war against whomever.
Oh, please. We're kicking ass and taking names. We're escalating the weapons grades and
Putin has found his nuclear sabre rattling to be useless now.

Now, watch us give BRICS and the global south the freedom to choose and treat them with
respect and fairness. We can build lasting friendships with black and brown peoples all
over the planet instead of having wars.
Post by 36J.955
When China goes for Taiwan that's gonna be a long
nasty dragged-out war IF we get involved.
How much of the planet would help?
Post by 36J.955
I don't think we CAN get involved. We don't have the stuff.
Europe is cranking up arms manufacture. Their governments are ramping up production.
They've worked out a co deepence. The Germans and Brits have tanks covered. The Brits
and French help us with the nuclear umbrella. Eastern Europe is shedding it's Soviet and
post Soviet inventory to buy new American weapons.

Speaking in terms of weapons' cost and availability, this war really is a case of using up
old stuff while replacing it with state of the art stuff. Didn't Rumsfeld say you went to
war with what you had, not what you wanted? Much of the planet is emptying it's attics
and basements including Russia. And guess what's selling these days? German, British and
US tanks. The Brits, French and Swedes have some excellent military aircraft. NATO and
the US together own half the Arctic. America rules the waves and dominates in space.
Post by 36J.955
Taiwan (and some others) are gonna get encircled,
starved, and absorbed into the new Chinese empire.
Soon, that won't be enough for Xi and successors ...
indeed the faster Xi moves the better because
rebuilding stocks will take awhile.
Not if we work it out slowly. China has never held clear title to Taiwan. China is big
enough to keep its neighbors alert. Japan and the Philippines are no more eager to be
absorbed by China no less than India, Vietnam and Australia.

NP: Bruce Springsteen - Pink Cadillac

RPK says pollution in the water is turning boys into trans.

