Israeli Lies About Al-Shifa Hospital
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D. Ray
2023-11-19 17:04:49 UTC
Israel plays a nasty little game where they say that Hamas “terrorists” are
hiding in places like hospitals, residential areas, and the like. It is an
attempt to justify bombing these places and murdering scores of innocent
civilians. This bombing of infrastructure has multiple functions. Not only
does it cause death and destruction, it also acts to deter the Palestinians
from returning to their home so that the Israel can more easily steal
Palestinian land.

On Wednesday, November 15th, the IDF raided Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza.
According to Al Jazeera, “The facility houses thousands of patients,
medical staff and displaced Palestinians who witnesses said are not being
allowed to leave.” This raid is taking what is a very stressful situation
for the civilians and making it exponentially worse.

While it is not funny what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people, I
mean no disrespect to them in my mocking of the Israel Defense Force’s
(IDF) attempts to prove that Hamas was operating inside the hospital.
However, as you will see, it is impossible to take the IDF’s claims

Even mainstream Western media is airing their doubts about the IDF’s
We have to remember that there is no independent scrutiny inside the
hospital; journalists cannot move freely into Gaza, and any who are
reporting from the site are working under the aegis of the Israeli military.
The evidence Israel has produced, so far, I do not believe to be
convincing in terms of the kind of rhetoric Israelis were using about the
set-up at the hospital, which suggested this was a nerve centre for the Hamas operation.


2023-11-19 17:48:30 UTC
Israel plays a nasty little game where they say that Hamas “terrorists” are
hiding in places like hospitals, residential areas, and the like. It is an
attempt to justify bombing these places and murdering scores of innocent
civilians. This bombing of infrastructure has multiple functions. Not only
does it cause death and destruction, it also acts to deter the Palestinians
from returning to their home so that the Israel can more easily steal
Palestinian land.
On Wednesday, November 15th, the IDF raided Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza.
According to Al Jazeera, “The facility houses thousands of patients,
medical staff and displaced Palestinians who witnesses said are not being
allowed to leave.” This raid is taking what is a very stressful situation
for the civilians and making it exponentially worse.
While it is not funny what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people, I
mean no disrespect to them in my mocking of the Israel Defense Force’s
(IDF) attempts to prove that Hamas was operating inside the hospital.
However, as you will see, it is impossible to take the IDF’s claims
Even mainstream Western media is airing their doubts about the IDF’s
We have to remember that there is no independent scrutiny inside the
hospital; journalists cannot move freely into Gaza, and any who are
reporting from the site are working under the aegis of the Israeli military.
The evidence Israel has produced, so far, I do not believe to be
convincing in terms of the kind of rhetoric Israelis were using about the
set-up at the hospital, which suggested this was a nerve centre for the Hamas operation.
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